Vanilla Pudding Mix

Vanilla Pudding Mix
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4 cups instant nonfat dry milk powder
4 cups sugar
1 1/3 cups cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups milk
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Combine first 4 ingredients into a large bowl, mixing well with each addition. Pour into a food processor and process until a fine powder.
At this stage you can put it into a jar with a good seal, label and add a card with the following instructions for gifting, or label it for your own future use.
Over double boiler, with water to boiling stage, put 1 cup of powdered pudding mix into saucepan, slowly adding milk while you stir (I used a whisk for lighter fluffier pudding) Stir constantly for approximately 10-15 minutes or until pudding comes to thickness of your liking. Remove from double boiler, add vanilla and butter, whisk or stir until throughly blended.
Pour into individual serving dishes and refrigerate.
Due to DH illness I used reconstituted dry milk for the 2 c milk, this does affect the flavor slightly.

Servings: Serve

Time preparation: 15 min.

Time total: 30 min.

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4.9 (812 votes)

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