Yam Balls (West Africa)

Yam Balls (West Africa)
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2 lbs yams, cooked
1 large onions, finely minced
3 fresh tomatoes, peeled and finely diced
1 teaspoon cayenne
1 pint peanut oil, divided
1/4-1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
salt, to taste
2 eggs, beaten
1 tablespoon flour

Mash cooked yam until smooth.
In bowl, combine half of the tomatoes and half of the onions. Add cayenne. Fry in 1/4 cup peanut oil.
Season with thyme and salt, to taste.
In another bowl, combine fried mixture, remaining onions and tomatoes, and mashed yam. Add eggs and mix well.
On a pastry board sprinkled with flour, form yam mixture into balls.
Heat remaining oil and deep-fry yam balls until golden brown. Drain.
Garnish with hard-boiled eggs.

Servings: 4-6

Time preparation: 20 min.

Time total: 50 min.

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4.9 (1521 votes)

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