Low Carb Pasta

Low Carb Pasta
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1/2 cup soy flour
1/2 cup protein powder
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon seasoning salt
1/2 cup water
1 eggs or 1 egg substitute

Combine the dry ingredients together add the egg and water and mix well.
It will be a sticky dough.
Divide the dough in half.
Take a half at a time and dust your work surface with protein powder.
Liberally dust the dough and roll out very very thin on your work surface.
Fold the dough in half and cut into strips with a very sharp knife.
Place the cut strips on to a dry towel and let them air dry for 2 hours.
To cook drop noodles into boiling salted water.
Use a large pot- water foams.

Servings: 4

Time preparation: 30 min.

Time total: 35 min.

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4.4 (775 votes)

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