Nutrition values of dried fruits

Nutrition values of dried fruits
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Benefits of dried fruits
Instead of using synthetic vitamins, enjoy dried fruits. They are rich in good carbohydrates which provide energy for long, also they are great anti-depressant. Handful of raisins or dates eaten after workout or when feeling hungry, instantly gives feeling of satiety and energy. Dried fruits are healthy alternative to sweets, because they help to keep blood sugar levels steady and to avoid hunger pangs. After eating a slice of cake you will get a lot of “empty” calories, whereas enjoying a few dried fruits will supply you with dietary fibers which improve digestion and promote fat burning, various microelements and pectin, which helps to eliminate bad cholesterol and toxins. Remember, that fried fruits are 3-5 times sweeter and have more calories than fresh fruits. But they contain glucose and fructose which is turned into energy quickly, so enjoy them without fear of putting on weight.

Dried apricots

These dried fruits are rich in pectins, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, carotene, vitamins B6 and B15, C, PP, as well as mineral salts and valuable oils. Snack on dried apricots if you are exercising actively: with sweat we lose a lot of potassium which is important for the activity of heart. Apricots are rich in iron which enhances our blood. This is important for vegetarians and people with anemia. Apricots are also useful when losing weight, because dietary fiber accelerates fat burning.

Dried dates

Dates are especially rich in iron, potassium, vitamin B5, which is often called slimming, because it stimulates production of hormones that are responsible for weight loss. Dates have substances with effects similar to aspirin. Eat dates when you are overtired – they provide energy instantly. You can include these dried fruits into your diet if you are on a diet, have frequent headaches, suffer from fatigue or muscle cramps.

Dried figs

These fruits contain phosphorus which is beneficial for brain function, also iron, magnesium, vitamins C and A. Figs are a perfect preventative measure against anemia. They should be included into your menu, if you are a vegetarian, eat unhealthy foods or are on a diet. Figs have substances that improve thyroid function and peptic enzymes. Also they contain glucose which helps to recuperate quickly, so these dry fruits should be eaten before hard physical or mental work.

Dried prunes

Prunes are rich in fiber, and therefore do not allow to get constipated and clean the intestines. They provides vitamin C, A, PP and B1, as well as pectin, potassium, zinc, and copper, protecting against premature graying. Flavonoids found in prunes improve blood circulation and remove free radicals. Enjoy plums if you have high blood pressure, or your body tends to store liquids. According to nutrition experts, after eating plums, blood sugar levels remain more constant, we become hungry slower and do not suffer hunger pangs. Substances found in these fruits “bind” the fat, the surplus fat does not accumulate on the problematic areas of the body.

Dried raisins

Raisins have lots of boron, which protects against osteoporosis. Studies show that the lack of this element prevents body from absorbing calcium. Raisins also contain manganese which controls thyroid and hormones function, potassium, which strengthens the heart , calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins A, C, PP and group B, folic acid and fiber. Eating a handful of raisins instantly raises mood and provides energy. In addition, they are the ideal snack before an exam or an interview with a prospective employer, as they have substances which improve the nervous system and alleviate irritation.

Nutrients (in 100g)

Dried fruits Calories Proteins Fats Carbohydrates
Apricots 271 kcal 5,2 g 0,50 g 65,9 g
Bananas 359 kcal 3,90 g 1,80 g 88,30 g
Raisins 280 kcal 2,70 g 0,60 g 71,30 g
Peaches 325 kcal 4,89 g 1,03 g 83,18 g
Prunes 275 kcal 3,50 g 0,70 g 69,0 g
Dates 291 kcal 2 g 0,40 g 74,0 g
Figs 268 kcal 3,60 g 1,20 g 78,0 g
Apples 247 kcal 1,80 g 1,60 g 70,30 g
Pears 301 kcal 2,0 g 1,50 g 71,30 g

Attention: before eating dried fruit wash or soak them.

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