How to pick a watermelon

How to pick a watermelon
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Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing fruit that’s perfect for hot summer days. However, picking a ripe and sweet watermelon can be a bit tricky. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of choosing the perfect watermelon.

  1. Look for a uniform shape

The first thing to look for when picking a watermelon is its shape. The fruit should be symmetrical and uniform in shape. A misshapen watermelon may indicate that it didn’t receive equal amounts of sun or water, resulting in an uneven ripening.

  1. Check for the field spot

The field spot is the area of the watermelon that rested on the ground while it was growing. Look for a yellowish or creamy-colored spot on the underside of the watermelon. If the field spot is white or green, the watermelon may not be fully ripe.

  1. Tap it

Another way to determine if a watermelon is ripe is to tap it. Gently tap the watermelon with your palm or knuckles. If it produces a deep and hollow sound, it’s most likely ripe. If the sound is dull or flat, the watermelon may not be ripe yet.

  1. Check the texture

The texture of a watermelon can also provide clues about its ripeness. Gently press on the surface of the watermelon with your fingertips. It should feel firm and slightly springy. If it’s too soft, it may be overripe, and if it’s too hard, it may not be ripe enough.

  1. Look for sugar spots

Sugar spots are brown, web-like veins that appear on the surface of a watermelon. These spots indicate that the fruit is very sweet. If you find sugar spots on a watermelon, it’s a good indication that it’s ripe and ready to eat.

  1. Consider the weight

A ripe watermelon should feel heavy for its size. This is because it’s filled with water, which adds to its weight. If the watermelon feels too light, it may be underripe or dry.

In conclusion, picking a ripe and sweet watermelon requires a bit of knowledge and practice. By following these tips, you’ll be able to choose a watermelon that’s juicy and delicious, perfect for a summer snack or dessert. Remember to look for a uniform shape, check the field spot, tap it, check the texture, look for sugar spots, and consider the weight. Happy watermelon picking!

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